# Read

Let's see how to fetching data from your API

# Fetch from API

Based on Axios or Axios like client, the plugin makes as GET request to the given URL.

import Page from '@/models/Page'

export default {
  created() {

Here the created() vue hook triggers the action. Via the crud() static method, we access the Service class and we call its action get(). This will perform two actions:

  1. Fetch the API with GET /pages
  2. Store the result in the db via Page Model class with default method insertorUpdate

The method get() returns a Promise and do all the work behind the seen.

# Configure the path

You can configure the API's path in the model or let the plugin use the entity name

// models/Page.js
import { Model } from '@vuex-orm/core'
import Section from './Section'

export default class Page extends Model
  static entity = 'pages'

  static apiPath = 'pages' // optional if your path is same name as entity!

  static fields ()
    return {
      id: this.attr(null).nullable(),
      title: this.attr(null),

      sections: this.hasMany(Section, 'page_id'),

# Configure the calls and the storage method

You can configure several aspects of the action. Find bellow the configuration object spec.


  // path to your api crud model's endpoint
  null, // here path is guested by entity model's prop

  // conf object
    // client
    client: null,

    // all axios settings are allowed
    onDownloadProgress: function (progressEvent) {
      // Do whatever you want with the native progress event

    // model instance to prefix path calls (
    relations: [], // here no nested ressource

    dataKey: 'data',
    paginationKey: 'pagination',
    dataTransformer: null,
    filter: null,

    // vuex-orm save strategies
    save: true,
    persistBy: 'insertOrUpdate',
    persistOptions: null,

# To be continued

More doc will come as soon as possible 😃